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[2] Mitchison, Rosalind. 2002. A History of Scotland. 61.

[3] “Scotland’s History – James III, King of Scots,” BBC (BBC), accessed March 21, 2020, http://www.bbc.co.uk/scotland/history/articles/james_iii/)

[4] Elspeth King, introduction to 1998. “Blind Harry’s Wallace.” Luath Press Edition. xvi-xvii.

[5] Blind Harry, and William Hamilton. 1998. “Blind Harry’s Wallace.” Luath Press Edition. 222.

[6] Morton, Graeme, “The Most Efficacious Patriot: The Heritage of William Wallace in Nineteenth-Century Scotland.” Scottish Historical Review 77, 2, no. 204 (October 1998): 224. doi:10.3366/shr.1998.77.2.224. 229.

[7] Elspeth King, introduction to 1998. “Blind Harry’s Wallace.” xiii.

[8] Morton, Graeme. “The Most Efficacious Patriot: The Heritage of William Wallace in Nineteenth-Century Scotland.” 229.

[9] Blind Harry, and William Hamilton, “Blind Harry’s Wallace.” 1.

[10] Blind Harry, and William Hamilton, “Blind Harry’s Wallace.” 6.

[11] Blind Harry, and William Hamilton, “Blind Harry’s Wallace.” 6.

[12] Blind Harry, and William Hamilton, “Blind Harry’s Wallace.” 6.

[13] Blind Harry, and William Hamilton, “Blind Harry’s Wallace.” 6.

[14] “Kings and Queens of Scotland,” Historic UK, accessed March 21, 2020, https://www.historic-uk.com/HistoryUK/HistoryofScotland/Kings-Queens-of-Scotland/)

[15] Blind Harry, and William Hamilton, “Blind Harry’s Wallace.” 70.

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[17] Blind Harry, and William Hamilton, “Blind Harry’s Wallace.” 222.

[18] Blind Harry, and William Hamilton, “Blind Harry’s Wallace.” 219-220.

[19] Elspeth King, introduction to 1998, “Blind Harry’s Wallace.” xvi.

[20] “Scottish Nationalism,” Wikipedia (Wikimedia Foundation, March 3, 2020), https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scottish_nationalism)

[21] Elspeth King, introduction to 1998, “Blind Harry’s Wallace.” 224.

[22] “The Wallace: Introduction.” The Wallace: Introduction | Robbins Library Digital Projects.

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[24] Ross, Andrew. 2000. “Wallace’s Monument and the Resumption of Scotland.” 87.

[25] Morton, Graeme, “The Most Efficacious Patriot: The Heritage of William Wallace in Nineteenth-Century Scotland.” 231.

[26] Elspeth King, introduction to 1998, “Blind Harry’s Wallace.” xxii.

[27] Ross, Andrew. 2000. “Wallace’s Monument and the Resumption of Scotland.” 104.

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