Spring 2023 Edition

Volume #11: Empathy in Understanding

Intentional Cohousing: The Future of Equitable, Sustainable Community

by Ella Postuma ’25

Fine Lines Between Cultural Appropriation and Cultural Appreciation in South Korea vs. The United States

by Shari Soza ’23

Recovering Proper Self-Love in the Christian Church

by Evelyn Murphy ’25

Bipolar Disorder

by Noah Snyder ’24

Louise Farrenc: Trailblazer Among French Women in Music

by Eliza Weigelt ’25

What Do Christ’s Kingdom and Immigration Have In Common?

by Gabrielle Guimarães ’24

The Effects of Dance on Mental Health

by Michelle Peck ’25

Fruit for the Fruitless: An Old Testament Context for John 15:1

by Abigail Dundore ’24

He's A Person, She's A Ship: Examining Sexism In The English Language

by Ella Steen ’23