by CTS_Admin | May 12, 2021 | 2020-2021, Biblical Studies, Culture, Spring 2021, Volume#10
“At Gordon College, we are committed to shalom—a right ordering of relationships and actions resulting in the affirmation of human dignity and the flourishing of community” (Gordon College). These are the famous opening words to Gordon College’s “Shalom Statement”....
by CTS_Admin | May 11, 2021 | 2020-2021, Biblical Studies, Culture, Psychology, Spring 2021, Volume#10
In the past year, there has been much discussion involving the effects of people spending much time alone. While the benefits of socializing are well known and have been thoroughly researched, no one has been able to predict the lasting effects of the pandemic on...
by CTS_Admin | May 6, 2021 | 2020-2021, Biblical Studies, Culture, Spring 2021, Volume#10
“Be Still and Know that I am God,” Psalm 46:10. In the Christian community, this verse seems to permeate throughout all dominations and religious circles. Over the years, however, it seems to have lost much of its intended effect, and is now seen to many as only a...
by CTS_Admin | Apr 30, 2021 | 2020-2021, Biblical Studies, History, Literature, Spring 2021, Volume#10
What is the role of works in the Christian life? Is true freedom found within the walls of a monastery or in the everyday outworking of faith? With a careful examination of The Rule of St. Benedict and Luther’s essay The Freedom of a Christian Man, this paper further...
by CTS_Admin | Apr 21, 2021 | 2020-2021, Biblical Studies, Culture, Spring 2021, Volume#10
Introduction From Moses to Moses, there has arisen none like Moses. This has long been the evaluation of Rabbi Moses ben Maimon (Rambam), otherwise known as Maimonides. One of Judaism’s greatest philosophers and halakhists, Maimonides was a Spanish Jew whose magna...
by CTS_Admin | Dec 8, 2020 | 2020-2021, Biblical Studies, Fall 2020, Gender
Many early Christian theologians based their conceptualization of women on culture rather than scripture. Their teachings have influenced the Christian characterization of God and society’s valuation of women. In one view, Charles Hodge, a nineteenth-century...